Decluttering your home can be an overwhelming process, so here are 20 easy things to start with!

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Decluttering When You Feel Overwhlemed
While having a clutter free home brings so much peace of mind, the process of getting there can certainly get overwhelming, especially if you have A LOT of stuff! I always suggest starting one room at a time, but if even that seems overwhelming, I created a list of 20 things to declutter when you feel overwhelmed!
1. Bras & Underwear
We all have those bras and underwear that we simply never reach for because they are worn out, uncomfortable, or just don’t fit properly! First of all, make sure you are throwing out bras and underwear that are worn out! They have no use anymore and have no business being in your drawer. Then, go through the ones that you just never reach for because they don’t fit properly or are uncomfortable. You can always ask a friend or family member if they would like it or donate it (talking about bras only here!).
2. Tarnished Jewelry
If you’re like me, then you have collected several cheap, trendy jewelry that doesn’t last long. You took a shower or went in the pool with it on to look cute, but later realized you now damaged your jewelry! I know I have held on to cheap tarnished jewelry longer than I should have, mainly because I forgot about and stopped reaching for it. Take a few minutes to sort through your jewelry and toss anything that has been tarnished, broken, or that you don’t use. In the future, you can invest in a few classic, durable pieces!
3. Childhood Items
I know childhood items can hold a lot of sentimental value and can be hard for some people to say goodbye to. If you have any, consider going through them and letting go of as much as you can. These items can be toys, movies, clothing etc. These are items that you will never use again and honestly, it’s likely that no one in your family will ever use these items either.
4. Unused Board Games
About a year ago, my husband and I got into the habit of buying a new board game every time we wanted to have a new game night. We found that while we enjoy playing board games every now and then, we get tired of playing the same ones over and over again. Many of our board games were just sitting there collecting dust, so I decided to go ahead and donate most of them. I did keep our favorites! If you a lot of board games that you never play anymore, go ahead and give them away, donate, or sell them!
5. Expired Food/Pantry Items
I couldn’t skip the kitchen area on this one! Some easy things to declutter from your kitchen are expired foods and pantry items. These things can sneakily get to the back of the shelf and escape our memories and attention. I forget about pantry items quite often and many of my spices or flours can get pushed back on my shelves. If I don’t go through it often, I forget what I even have! Take some time to go through your fridge and pantry and declutter those nasty expired foods. After, you will feel so much better about having a clean, organized kitchen! You can also create the habit of going through your kitchen every so often to ensure you are using everything up!
6. Expired Vitamins/Medicine
Similarly to food and pantry items, vitamins and medicine can also expire before we fully use them. Make sure you go through your medicine cabinet to make sure you don’t have any expired vitamins or medicine. If you do, toss them and replace them if needed. Make sure you are only buying things that you actually need!
7. Key Chains
This one might seem a little random, but personally I have received many key chains as souvenirs that I NEVER use but feel guilty getting rid of. I finally decided that I needed to get rid of them because I was sick of opening my “junk” drawer and seeing them there as a constant reminder that I didn’t need them! I have a feeling that you have some key chains around your house that you also never use! Go ahead and declutter them, you will feel much better.
8. Old Receipts/Coupons
Whether they are in your purse, car, junk drawer, or all over, I know you have some old receipts and coupons stored away somewhere! Go through all of them and throw away the ones you no longer need, it will really free up your space and make things more visually appealing. I love having an organized purse and hate when it’s stuffed with random receipts from who knows where!
9. Spare Change
I’m not at all saying to throw away spare change! However, if you have spare change here and there in random spots around your house, car, and purse, find a place to store it all together such as a jar. You can also have a little coin purse so that it’s all kept together!
10. Scratched Pots & Pans
Okay, back to the kitchen! Most pots and pans get wear and get too scratched after a while. Not only is this visually unappealing, but it’s unhealthy to keep using them! Make sure you are replacing your pots and pans if they are scratched. You can also make sure you are using the proper utensils while cooking with them so that they last longer in the future.
11. Old Makeup
Something really gross I used to do when I was younger is use makeup over and over again, no matter how old it got! I would’t wear makeup often, so it would last me a pretty long time. Luckily, I learned that makeup actually expires. Some products have an expiration date on them, others don’t. I would suggest using up your makeup within a year or replacing it if you can’t finish it by then! I also know some people finish their makeup products but forget to toss the bottle/container it came with, so just make sure you aren’t hoarding those either!
12. Uncomfortable Shoes
Whether it’s a pair of heels you avoid wearing because they hurt so bad or shoes that just don’t fit you right, there is no reason to hold on to them. Uncomfortable shoes will not make you feel your best and you are less likely to wear them when you go out. Find shoes that fit well and that you feel confident in and you will be much happier! You can sell or donate those that don’t and move on.
13. Clothes That Don’t Fit
Just like shoes, holding on to clothing item that don’t fit you is pointless. Sometimes we grow out of things, and that’s okay. If you are someone who is holding on to a pair of jeans hoping to fit into them again once you lose weight, you are only making yourself miserable every time you look at them. I’m not saying that you shouldn’t or can’t reach your goals, but focusing on your present self is where you need to start. You need clothes that you feel good in and that you can still go out and have fun in! I recommend you declutter clothes that don’t fit you anymore and that you don’t feel good in! If you want to make some extra cash for unworn clothing, I recommend selling them on the Poshmark app!
14. Broken Toys
I don’t have children yet, but have several friends who do. What I’ve learned from them is that they can get tired of toys pretty quickly. Sometimes, their toys can break and be forgotten at the bottom of the toy bin. If your child isn’t playing with broken toys (or if it’s dangerous for them to do so) throw the item away or find someone who can fix it. If it’s something that can easily be repaired and someone can still get use out of it, then donate it!
15. Unused Hair Spray &/Or Hair Products
I know many people like to experiment with their hair and different hair products, but I would suggest in finding a hairstyle that is both flattering and easy for you to maintain. This includes finding a hair product that works for you and sticking to it, otherwise you will keep accumulating half empty bottles of hair products! If you have any old hair spray or products, go ahead and delcutter these as well.
16. DVDs & CDs
With everything being digital now, there is no need to have physical DVDs and CDs. If you like having the physical, then consider going to your local library to borrow it. That way you can use it, enjoy it, and return it once you are done! Declutter most if not all of your DVDs and CDs to create more free space and a neater, cleaner look!
17. Old Used Notebooks
If are someone who likes taking a lot of notes (I know I do!), you can condense down to just one. This notebook can be your go to for lists, notes, and everything else! If you have any old notebooks that are used up, you can declutter those and get them out of your house by recycling them!
18. Books
Like DVDs and CDs, books are one of those things that you use, or read, once and set it down without using it for a very long time. If you have a lot of them, they can quickly clutter up your home. You can declutter your books by selling them or donating them.
19. Duplicates
You may have duplicates of several items in your home such as more than one pair of scissors, more than one hairbrush, candle etc. Like I mentioned in my post on 12 Ways to Simplify Your Life, try having only one of these things. You might think that only having one of these things is going to be difficult. “What if I lose something?” you might ask. Well, I have found that only having one makes it much easier to keep track on those things. It makes life much easier and simple! Declutter any duplicates you only need one of!
20. Dead Plants
I’m a HUGE fan of plants. They are so pleasing to the eyes and help clean the air inside your home. However, dead plants are not visually appealing or helpful in cleaning your air. I know, it might be sad to say goodbye, but if you have tried countless times to bring it back, it’s time!
These are just 20 things to help get you started in case you are feeling stuck. Creating a clutter free home can be hard task to tackle, but I think you will enjoy the process and feel a huge weight taken off your shoulders once you are finished!