![how to stop wanting things](https://sincerelydenise.com/staging/7523/wp-content/uploads/2020/09/Minimalism_-how-to-stop-wanting-things.png)
Part of living minimalist lifestyle includes learning how to stop feeling like you need to buy new things and being happy with what you already have! Here are some ways to stop wanting things.
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The hard truth is, there will always be new and better things. It’s nearly impossible trying to keep up with the latest and greatest, and trying to do so will leave the stuff you already own very unappreciated or used. If you can’t be happy with what you already own, chances are you won’t be happy after you buy all that stuff your heart has been desiring, or at least not for very long.
While there is nothing wrong with buying things you truly love and enjoy, there is something quite destructive and constantly needing to buy things to make yourself feel content and satisfied in life. This is why I talk about focusing on only buying things when you really need them in my 5 Simple Life Changing Minimalist Habits blog post. Doing this will make you appreciate and use up everything to it’s full potential! It will also save you tons of money and give you more peace of mind!
Minimalism & Being Happy With What You Have
If you are in this mindset where you get joy and happiness from shopping and purchasing new, materialistic things, you are not alone. This is probably the majority of people and it’s pretty much normal to live this way. I encourage you to go against the grain and find what actually brings you happiness! I also struggled with constantly wanting to buy things in order to be fulfilled. When I wasn’t working, I was planning on what I was going to my next, what I thought I needed, and what I thought would make my life better. It wasn’t until I got married, became more financially savvy, and began a minimalist lifestyle that I began to stop caring about STUFF!
When I became a minimalist, I realized I had way TOO MUCH STUFF! Stuff that was cluttering my life. Stuff that was making me feel guilty for buying it and not really using it like I intended. Not only that, but I was also slightly getting into debt which is when I decided enough was enough. I had never been in debt before, and I wasn’t about to let my bad shopping habits take me there! Even if you aren’t getting into debt, imagine how much more money you could potentially be saving if you cut out all the unnecessary stuff.
How To Stop Wanting Things
Here are some tips to help you stop wanting things.
1. Know Why You Feel This Way
The first step is to understand why you feel this way. Are you feeling insecure, lonely, or stressed? These emotions can all trigger us to cope with unhealthy habits, such as shopping. If this is the case, try implement a different coping mechanism that doesn’t require purchasing anything or spending too much money. This can include exercising, reading, baking, or writing in a journal.
2. Stop Living For Your Fantasy Self
Your fantasy self is a an unrealistic person you want to be. Your fantasy self is impractical because it’s not who you really are. For example, I once had a fantasy self who was aiming to climb up the corporate ladder, owned a lot of formal business attire, and owned the latest and greatest when it came to technology.
I soon discovered that this person wasn’t who I really was or who I wanted to be. I HATED working in an office, professional clothing was uncomfortable, and I didn’t need to buying a new phone as soon as my old one was “outdated”.
What did I do? I quit my job, started my own online business, and became a minimalist. This gave me so much flexibility and financial freedom because I wasn’t wrapped up in buying all these things that weren’t actually making me happy. Let go of your fantasy self and live practically. You will be much happier!
3. Practice Gratitude
Practice being grateful for the things that you do have. Every day, reflect or write down things you are so thankful to have. For me, it’s my marriage, my home, and my health. Sometimes, I remember a bad situation I was in and how happy I am that I got through it! Practicing gratitude will help you stop wanting things. What are you grateful for?
4. Focus on the Benefits of Having Less
When you are trying to stop buying things, think of all the benefits rather than how hard it’s going to be! Think of the time and money you’ll save. You could pick up a new hobby or finally catch up with a friend. Perhaps you could even start paying off your credit card debt!
You will soon forget why you even wanted that one thing in the first place. You will stop wanting things you once did! When you shop, focus on buying things that you love and that will last you a long time. What are some ways that buying less can benefit you?