side hustles
Saving Money

7 Easy Side Hustles to Make Extra Income

Looking to make extra income? Whether you have been laid off, want to increase your income, pay off debt, or stay at home with your kids, these side hustles could work for you! Here are 7 easy side hustles to make extra income.

side hustles

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Okay, before I get into it, let me give you a little back story. I have been doing most of these side hustles to create a full time income for myself. I haven’t worked a traditional job in three years! Personally, I hated working a 9-5 so much that I was willing to try almost anything to be able to quit.

I’m an introvert and love being at home. Also, I’m a wife and love homemaking and all that comes with it. My husband and I plan on having kids in the near future, so I also thought it would be a good idea to create sources of income that would allow me to stay home.

If you are in a similar situation or just love the idea of working for yourself, then keep on reading!

1. Gig Work

While this one isn’t done from home, it still gives you tons of flexibility and you can earn more the more you decide to work. You choose when you start and end your shifts, not your boss!

Some examples of gig work are Uber, Doordash, Uber Eats, Instacart, and Postmates.

Personally, I have been doing Instacart for almost a year now, and it’s good side cash. There are some people who do this full time, but I don’t think it’s consistent enough in my area. However, if you did multiple gigs you could probably earn a full-time income!

2. Reselling

Ever heard of reselling? I came across this idea 3 years ago right before I quit my job. In fact, it was the first side hustle I started that soon turned into my own small online business.

Reselling is selling used or new items online for profit. You might have heard of Poshmark, Ebay, and Mercari, these are all reselling sites! What I basically did was source brand name trendy items from thrift stores and resold them on these sites!

Anyone can do this, you just need to be willing to put a little work and research into it to see what sells. Otherwise, you might spend too much money on items that nobody wants!

If you really put hard work into this, you can make good money. I was actually able to replace my income doing this, which is why I left my job! However, it does fluctuate and can be inconsistent. This is why I always recommend you create multiple streams of income!

3. Freelance Work

Freelance work is great for those who have certain skills that can help others. The most common one I hear of is freelance writing, but there are so many other types of freelance work!

There is freelance photography, social media management, data entry, graphic design, and much more! Some of my favorite freelancing websites to find work are Fivver, Upwork, and Freelancer.

Freelancing can be a great side hustle for extra income because you don’t have to leave your house! All you need is a computer or laptop and good internet connection.

4. Furniture Flipping

Something that I recently started diving into is furniture flipping! This one can definitely be a little more hands on if you are doing any refurbishing or painting. Personally, I have been loving doing furniture makeovers and having fun with painting pieces!

However, you can still flip furniture without putting that much work into it. Simply source pieces that just need a little cleaning up! You can find very low priced items or even free furniture on Facebook Marketplace or Craigslist.

Some people just want to get rid of their stuff and aren’t interested in making a profit. This is where you can come in and take their items and resell them for profit! Just make sure you do some research to see what similar items sell for and take nice photos so that people are willing to buy your items!

5. Blogging

Another thing I began working on is blogging. I’m not going to lie, it was definitely a learning curb, but it was more time consuming than difficult! Once your blog is up and running, it can become very powerful and has the potential to earn you tons of money. This is truly a side hustle that can become your full-time job all own it’s own.

If you dedicate yourself and keep doing your research on how to start a successful blog, you will reap very nice rewards! You just have to be willing to put in the time to make it work. I started my blog once some of my other side hustles were up and running, that way I wasn’t stressing too much over money!

As an introvert, I really enjoy blogging. So far, it’s my favorite side hustle, especially because there is so much potential for earning income with little start up cost!

6. Sell on Etsy

Okay, so I know this could fall into the reselling category, but I feel like on etsy you can sell so many things, not just used items.

If you make art, you can sell it on Esty. If you are a woodworker, you can make things and sell them on Etsy! While you can resell on Etsy, I see it more of a place to sell products you make. It can be a great platform to start a small business! So if you’re artsy, try selling your art on Etsy.

If you’re wondering just how much money you can potentially earn by selling on Etsy, Kevin from made $10,000 by selling pintables!

7. Tutoring

Depending on your skills, tutoring can be a high paying side hustle. Generally, you can expect to be paid $15 and up to $50 per hour tutoring. Of course, there are probably people who get paid less or more than this, but this is typically what I tend to see.

Services you can offer are homework help, exam prep, and help with reading, writing, or math skills. Of course, the higher the level you are able to tutor, the more money you will be able to charge.

Try offering your tutoring services on a local neighborhood app such as Next Door, it can be a great place to start!

From this list of side hustles, I currently do 1, 2, 4, and 5! I think it gives me a good balance so I don’t grow tired of any one of those. It also helps ensure that I am able to make enough to pay my bills and reach my savings goals. If you are looking to grow your income and savings, try out some of these 7 side hustles to make extra income and find what works for you!


Denise XOXO

Related: How Minimalism Can Save You Money, How to Save Money on a Low Income

Sincerely Denise

Hi there, I'm Denise! I love creating & sharing delicious, healthy, easy-to-follow plant based recipes. Aside from creating new recipes, I love thrifting, weight-lifting, & hanging out with my husband.

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