Wondering how to keep a minimalist wardrobe and still enjoy fashion? Well, I’m here to help! I love curating capsule wardrobes, but they are certainly not for everyone. Even for myself, capsule wardrobes can sometimes feel too rigid and restricting.
My style is always evolving and I love mixing classic and trendy pieces. I also like the option of being able to try new things and even trying out new trends from time to time. But how does this work with trying to keep to minimalist wardrobe? Well, let me share some of my (not so) secrets.
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Minimalism & Fashion
To be completely honest, I love fashion. Not in the “I need to have the latest trends all the time” type of way, but I love wearing clothes that make me feel comfortable and confident. However, I don’t own a lot of clothes or accessories because that can sometimes feel overwhelming to me. Not only that, but it can get expensive.
I have gotten to a point in my minimalism journey where I am not to strict with it, especially when it comes to my wardrobe. Before, I would stress out about the number of pieces in my wardrobe and having the perfect color palette. That doesn’t really matter to me anymore. The questions I now ask myself before purchasing something are:
- Will I realistically wear this often?
- Do I love it on me?
- Is it practical to my lifestyle?
- Do I already have a similar item? If so, am I willing to let go of the older item and replace it with this one?
If the answer to all those questions is yes, then I go ahead and purchase it. In regards to that last questions, sometimes I want to have multiples of a similar item, especially with basics. If that is the case, I don’t make myself get rid of a similar item.

Thrifting & Reselling
One of the main ways I enjoy fashion while still keeping a minimalist wardrobe is by thrifting and reselling. I am actually a full time reseller, so I am pretty good at thrifting for myself too. Thrifting definitely helps me save money on my clothes. Many times, I will resell things I am replacing with new pieces. This also saves me a ton and most times I am just breaking even. It’s truly a win-win.
This method allows me to rotate my wardrobe often and try different things. It also prevents me from getting too attached to my clothes, since I am also constantly getting rid of things.
If you are interested in trying this method but don’t have a lot of time to thrift, I suggest checking out the Poshmark app! There are several pieces in my wardrobe that I purchased from Poshmark and I love the ease of finding high quality items for a lower price.
Make it Work For You
If you want to live a more simple and minimal lifestyle but you love fashion, just make it work for you! Remember, there are no real rules to minimalism. The point is to simplify your life, not make it more complicated. For many people (myself included), minimalism is also about saving money and being a bit more frugal. This is another reason why I don’t have tons of clothes, I simply can’t afford it! However, I have found a way to have high quality clothes I love and not feel bored with my wardrobe. A minimalist wardrobe doesn’t always mean all neutrals + basics. If that is actually your style, by all means, go for it! Just don’t feel restricted my a set of rules someone else has listed for their own minimalism journey. We are all different, and that’s okay.
If you are wanting to build a capsule wardrobe but have no idea where to start, check out my post on How to Build a Capsule Wardrobe.