Becoming a minimalist makes you realize how much you actually DON’T need. Here are 10 things I don’t buy or own as a minimalist and what I have switched to (or just got rid of!).

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1. Plastic Tupperware
I used to own a TON of plastic tupperware. Most of it was hand me downs from my mom after I got married and some of it I actually purchased. I quickly saw how cluttered and ugly it looked in my cabinets and decided to finally toss some of it. I wasn’t just tossing it because I didn’t like it anymore, some of them were actually pretty worn! Plastic tupperware stains easily and melts if you leave it in the microwave for too long, causing it to look gross and unusable!
When I became a minimalist, I didn’t want to buy plastic tupperware anymore. I decided to make the switch to glass tupperware and have never looked back. I made the switch 3 years ago and they are all still going strong. I’ve even dropped one or two and they didn’t break! While I don’t recommend doing that, it just goes to show how durable it is.
2. Razors & Shaving Cream
Not only is shaving a pain in the butt, it gets expensive real quick! I used to buy disposable razors and shaving cream every month. It created too much clutter in my opinion PLUS shaving never lasts for more than two days for me. My hair grows fast so removing it from the root always provided me with better results.
Waxing is also quite expensive and it was annoying to have to keep going back! Now I use epilator and I don’t plan on turning back! An epilator is a small machine that plucks many hairs simultaneously. It’s very painful the first time, but after that it’s a breeze! I enjoy being hairless for weeks and it’s amazing.
I have now used an epilator for 2 years and it has saved a good amount of money. It was a one time purchase and I use it over and over again! I got mine for around $30 on Amazon, it’s Phillip’s brand and works great. I talk more about using and epilator here. An epilator is the perfect way for a minimalist to no longer have to buy disposable razors!
3. Pads or Tampons
I feel like pads and tampons are becoming a thing of the past. I also felt like I was kind of late to the party when I finally stopped using disposable period products. Buying tampons every month (yes I would go through and entire box a month!) gets expensive and annoying. Not only that, but apparently most tampons and pads that you find at the store have harmful chemicals that can really affect your body. As a minimalist, I wanted to reduce the amount of period products I had to buy each month.
Personally, I was getting horrendous cramps when I was using tampons and I never made the connection until I switched to the Flex Cup. If you haven’t read my review on the Flex Cup, check it out here. Basically, using this cup changed my period experience drastically for the better!
4. Seasonal Decor
Another thing I no longer purchase every year is seasonal décor. Or at least not as much as I used to! I used to buy tons of décor every year for almost every holiday. I would buy things each year and by the next year I wanted new things! Now, I only have a few decorations for the fall and for Christmas, but I keep it very minimal! I also don’t buy anything unless I know I will want to keep using it for several years.
5. Costume Jewelry
I used to purchase cheap costume jewelry when I was younger from store like Forever 21. They would tarnish so quickly and I had to constantly be replacing them. Now, I stick to more classic, timeless, and durable jewelry pieces. These are pieces that I love and enjoy wearing over and over again.
6. Fridge Magnets
Fridge magnets are just one of those things that look so ugly to me! If you love and enjoy fridge magnets, I’m not saying to get rid of them. But if you are wanting a clean, minimal looking space, then fridge magnets aren’t helping you! I like to keep my fridge looking clear and clean of any magnets or objects.
7. DVDs & CDs
I’ve mentioned decluttering your DVDs and CDs before in my post about 20 Things to Declutter, but I’ll lightly touch on it again. There are many places online where you can stream movies or listen to music on demand. There really is no real necessity for physical movies and music.
These are items that quickly build clutter in your home, especially if love having a lot of them. Personally, I use Spotify for music and and Netflix instead of DVDs. I also enjoy going to the library and looking for DVDs there, because I just return it when I am done. It’s also free!
8. Hair Spray/Hair Products
I used to purchase so many different hair products when I was younger. Hair spray, serums, oils, leave in conditioners, you name it. Now, I realized that my hair doesn’t need that many products and that they really weren’t making that much of difference in my hair.
Today, I use just an eco friendly shampoo bar that leaves my hair feeling silky and soft. I wash my hair every 3 days and also stopped using conditioner! I noticed that once I stopped washing my hair every single day, I didn’t really need conditioner. On days that I use heat to style my hair, I use a heat protectant spray so that my hair doesn’t burn and to prevent frizz. I went from using over 5 different hair products to just 2! Honestly, my hair is much healthier now than it was before, sometimes less is more!
9. Excessive Makeup
I think it’s completely normal to experiment with makeup when you are younger. I sure did, and I bought a ton of makeup! I would buy different eyeliners, foundations, and eye shadow pallets. I never finished any of them because I always moved on to the next thing. I also never took the time to properly research an item before purchasing it.
Now that I’m a bit older, I have found what foundation works well for my skin type and skin color. I use only a foundation, setting powder, blush, bronzer, eyebrow pencil, and mascara. I never use eyeliner or eyeshadow anymore unless it’s for a special occasion and always use up my products before replacing them!
10. Nails
To be honest, I’ve never been the type of girl to always have her nails done on a monthly basis. I did experiment with it for a few months when I got my first big girl job, because I thought that always having my nails done would make me feel more professional.
While I do think that caring for your nails is important, I don’t think it means you have to go get your nails done all the time anymore. Personally, I love the look of my natural nails and I always make sure to keep them clean and trimmed. Occasionally, I do give myself a gel manicure with some gel nail polishes I purchased online. I also purchased a UV lamp to dry my nails. Giving myself manicures at home has saved me so much money! It’s also relaxing and a nice way to practice self care.
What are some things you are trying to cut back on? I would love to know if you are planning on quitting any of the things I mentioned or if you have stopped buying other things I didn’t mention here! Not having to buy all these things has had such a great impact on my minimalist journey.
Thanks so much for stopping by!