minimalism and mental health

5 Ways Minimalism Can Better Your Mental Health

Your mental health is effected by so many different things in your everyday life. Living a clutter-free lifestyle can help! Here are 5 ways minimalism can better your mental health.

minimalism and mental health

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In today’s world, we are all living fast paced lives filled with busy schedules and to-do lists. It becomes easy to forget about your mental health when you are so consumed in other aspects of your life. It may be your job, your family, school, or anything else that is keeping you busy!

Don’t get me wrong, I think having a full and busy life can be a wonderful things, but sometimes you need to check in with yourself and take care of your mental (& physical!) health.

Something I noticed before I became a minimalist was that having too much stuff was causing me a lot of stress. It wasn’t comforting to come home after work to a clutter filled home and I dreaded cleaning and organized.

Having a lot of stuff (clutter!) makes it so much harder to clean and stay organized. If I’m being honest, my mental health was one of the main reasons I decided to become more minimal! I tend to feel anxious and stressed when I’m in a cluttered space, so I decided I needed to declutter my entire home.

Related: How to Turn Your Home into a Cozy Haven

Minimalism and Mental Health

1. Minimalism decreases overwhelm

The first way minimalism can better your mental health is by reducing that overwhelming feeling too much clutter brings. When you start living more minimally, you feel lighter and it’s incredibly freeing!

It is mentally and physically exhausting when your house is full of stuff that you don’t need or use! Remember, your home is a living space not a storage space.

2. Minimalism Saves Time

One of my favorite things about living a minimalist lifestyle is all the time I save! By simplifying your life, you will save time getting ready and cleaning. I save so much time getting ready in the mornings because I created a minimalist skincare routine and pretty much do the same makeup look every day! I also actually love everything in my closet because I got rid of all the clothes I never wore. This makes it so easy to get ready every day.

As far as cleaning goes, it’s just so much easier with less stuff. Less stuff means less cleaning. Dusting surfaces is so much quicker, laundry is lighter, and dishes are done a lot faster!

Related: Minimalist Kitchen Essentials

3. Minimalism Increases Financial Security

Not only can money save you time, but it also can save you a lot of money! This probably isn’t a surprise, since minimalism is all about owning and buying less. While you may pay up front for quality items, you will still save money in the long run. When you live a minimalism lifestyle, you start to notice all the little things you don’t actually need! Spending less means you will be able to save more money, meaning you won’t stress so much about your financial stability!

Read more on how minimalism saves you money.

4. You Stop Comparing Yourself to Others

When you decide to live minimally, you learn to stop wanting more and more things. You are in control of your decisions and you are the one choosing less in order to obtain a better quality of life. Naturally, you will stop comparing to others, or at least you will do it a lot less.

Of course, we are not immune to comparing ourselves to others and wanting what they have from time to time, but minimalism teaches you to appreciate what you already have!

Related: How to Stop Wanting Things, How to Stop Comparing Yourself to Others

5. Increased Energy

Because minimalism is saving you time, money, and reducing the overwhelm, you will likely have more energy. You will overall feel less tired and more energized throughout your day to day.

Now that you have less to worry about, you have a little more free space to focus on the things that actually matter to you. You could start that hobby you’ve been wanting to try or finally prioritize your physical health and fitness! Whatever it is that you’ve been wanting to do, you will now have the time and energy.

If you want to get started with minimalism, get your free decluttering checklist here!

Sincerely Denise

Hi there, I'm Denise! I love creating & sharing delicious, healthy, easy-to-follow plant based recipes. Aside from creating new recipes, I love thrifting, weight-lifting, & hanging out with my husband.

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