modern homemaking

Modern Homemaking: What it is & Why it’s Important

Have you ever heard of modern homemaking? I’m sure you are well aware of what a traditional homemaker is. You might think of a stay-at-home-mom or wife who tends her house, family, and does all the cooking and cleaning. To me, that is pretty much the gist to it. For many people today, aspiring to be a homemaker is a negative thing. It’s now looked down upon to desire to tend your home, husband, and children. At least that has been my personal experience. Growing up, it felt as if the word homemaker had a negative connotation to it. In this blog post, I am here to explain what exactly modern homemaking is and why it’s important.

But before I get into that, let me give you a little back story on how my thoughts on homemaking have shifted throughout the years.

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My Thoughts on Homemaking

Growing up, it felt as if homemakers where regarded as women who stayed home, didn’t work, and were lazy. If they weren’t lazy, they were “unequal” to their working husbands who were the breadwinners. Of course, I never paid much attention to this until I was in high school and college, where it became more apparant.

The majority of females around me were so career driven, so naturally I also became this way. Thinking it was my only way to success, I attended college with intentions of receiving a doctorate in Psychology. To be honest, I didn’t put much thought into this and just thought it would be cool to have the title. In college, it was very looked down upon to desire nothing else but to stay at home and have a family. It was as if you were taking steps backwards instead of being progressive by not choosing a career.

By the time I finished my undergrad degree, I came to the realization that I did not want to continue. I was getting married in just a few months. I realized I wanted to just start working, enjoy my marriage, and possibly have kids in a couple years. Pursuing a higher education and digging myself deeper into student loan debt did not sound like a good time. ESPECIALLY if I wanted to have kids in a few years and purchase a home.

Perspective Starts To Shift…

Fast forward a few months later and I’m working a full-time office job in my field. I was MISERABLE. Very quickly, I realized that this was not for me. It felt as if I never had time to do the things that I wanted to do. I barely had time to clean or cook homemade meals, and when I did I was exhausted. At the time, my husband was working a very demanding job, which also left him very little time to help out around the house. All I wanted to do was tend my home, cook, clean, and have my role be at home, not the workplace.

Becoming a Homemaker

I began doing research on how to make money from home. Soon after that, I started my reselling business and quit my job once I was able to replace my income.

I cannot emphasize enough how liberating this felt. My husband and I agreed that if I was able to keep bringing in this income, that I could stay home. It wasn’t a lot by any means, but it was enough. I had more time, freedom, and the ability to take care of our home. This also allowed my husband to focus on his career path. I know a lot of people would laugh/roll their eyes at this. However, NEVER was I forced to be a homemaker. I chose it because I love it. If you are someone who thrives in the workplace, great! All power to you.

Once I noticed how excited my husband was with this decision, my thoughts on homemaking changed completely. Me being a homemaker benefits the both us, and we are both happier this way. When people ask what I want to do with my life, I tell them I want to be a mom and homemaker. Sometimes they laugh or are confused, but I’m okay with that. My family and my happiness comes first and there is a lot of importance in homemaking!

What is Modern Homemaking?

From what I have gathered, modern homemaking is applying those old fashioned, traditional homemaking skills and applying them to the modern world. As a modern homemaker, I tend to my home and husband while still adapting to the modern world and working from home. I have some old fashioned, traditional values, but I am still a modern woman!

Modern homemaking can look different from person to person. It could depend on what type of job you have, or whether you have one or not. It could also depend on what kind of skills you have and what you are willing and not willing to do. For example, rarely do I choose to cook anything from scratch because it’s so time consuming! However, I know many homemakers who love baking bread from scratch or similar things.

Why is Homemaking Important?

First of all, homemaking is a job just as valuable and important as any other. There is nothing more beautiful and feminine than desiring to tend your home. Your home is a sanctuary, not only for yourself, but for your husband and children. Think about how stressful it can become when your home falls apart. While homemaking can be hard work sometimes, it is very rewarding!

Feeling Like You Are Enough

This may or may not apply to you, but as a Christian woman, I love serving the Lord and my husband through homemaking. I love keeping our little home clean, cooking, packing my husband’s lunch, etc. In a world that tells you that you are not enough if you just do these things, remember that you ARE enough and your job IS important!

Homemakers play a huge role in our society. A lot of homemakers are also mothers raising up future generations. Your role as a homemaker makes a huge difference, whether you think it does or not.

If you desire to be a homemaker but are scared of what others may say or think, remember that they do not pay your bills. If you are married or plan to be married, this is something to discuss with your husband and that’s really it! At the end of the day, you are not more or less worthy by your career choice or role in this world. Every role has it’s place and is important. I am also not saying that every married woman out there needs to be a homemaker, just that it’s just as important!

If you are wanting to be more of a homemaker but don’t know where to start, check out these articles:

How to Declutter Your Entire Kitchen

How to Declutter Your Bedroom

Minimalist Cleaning Routine

How to Make Your Home into a Cozy Haven

Sincerely Denise

Hi there, I'm Denise! I love creating & sharing delicious, healthy, easy-to-follow plant based recipes. Aside from creating new recipes, I love thrifting, weight-lifting, & hanging out with my husband.

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